Sunday, October 5, 2008

God's Sovereignty over Man's Salvation

This video sums up much of what has been discussed recently on this blog. The video speaks for itself. Watch it and let me know what you think.


Caison Jones said...

For some reason my school internet won't let me view the video, but I watched it the other night at home. It's much better than another "interview with God" video I've seen before.
I would prefer the title "God soverignly chooses" instead of "You have a choice" but that may be something we can get into later about Calvanism and Arminianism. My wife's going to shoot me if she sees this comment because I bug her enough about free will and election. I hope you're having a great day. Praying for you and your family, especially your wife and the one on the way.

Spack said...

Thank you for your comment. I have thought about the title. I am going to change it. A discussion on Arminianism, and Calvanism would be good, however I lean more toward Calvanism. I believe God is Sovereign over his creation. I lean toward the teaching that says God has ordained or willed everything that happens in our world from before creation. Yet man has freewill, because we are certainly held responsible for our actions. It's difficult to understand how God can ordain our free acts from before time began without His foreordination taking away the freedom of such acts. Scripture seems to affirm both. I do struggle somewhat with these ideas, but I try to accept what I read in scripture. Regardless of the discussion of these lofty theological terms the titled needed to be changed because it's so man centered! Thanks for being willing to question it.