Thursday, July 17, 2008

Come, let us reason together. Part 2

In my last post I began an argument for why I believe theism, specifically Christianity, to be the true faith. The post ended with arguments that prove the likelihood of Gods existence. While everyone who reads these posts may not agree that the arguments prove the existence of God they should at least recognize that the probability exists. If the existence of God is probable, then so are miracles. This is the key point. Without miracles Christianity crumbles. Without miracles the Bible cannot be the Word of God, Jesus cannot be the Son of God, and Salvation cannot be an act of God. The Bible claims that miracles occurred. Without miracles the Bible loses its credibility. Jesus claimed to be the Son of God and proved it true by performing miracles. If miracles are impossible then Jesus loses credibility. Without Christ's resurrection from the dead there is no salvation, and we are still dead in our sins. In other words there is no hope. Paul even wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:17 -19 "...if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins. Then those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If we have hoped in Christ in this life only, we are of all men most to be pitied." Christians need not despair. We have good arguments for the existence of God. For further discussion on these arguments I recommend this blog:

If God exists then miracles are possible. If God is supernatural, then He can preform supernatural acts. If God can create a universe, then God can act within that universe. If He could not, then the effect would be greater than the cause, that's illogical. The burden of proof lies in the hands of the skeptic. To disprove miracles, you must first disprove God.
My responsibility is to show that theism makes miracles possible. Here is some logic I learned from Normal Geisler:

1. If the world had a beginning, then it had a beginner.

2. The world had a beginning.
3. Therefore it had a beginner.
4. Creation is the biggest miracle of all (something out of nothing).
5. If God can do greater miracles (like creation) then he can do lesser.
If God can create matter, then He can multiply matter. (The feeding of the 5000/see Matthew 14:14-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17, John 6:1-14).
If God can create life from non life, then He can bring life to a dead corpse. (Christ's resurrection/ see Matthew 27:57-28:20, Mark 15:42-16:12, Luke 23:50-24:27, John 19:31-20:31).
Miracles can be used to confirm a message from God. (see John 3:2, Acts 2:22, Hebrews 2:3). Of all the three major world religions (theism, pantheism, atheism) only theism has miracles.
Here is some more logic from Normal Geisler:
1. If a theistic God exists, then miracles are possible.
2. A miracle is a special act of God.
3. God is the standard, and source of all truth, he cannot err. (moral argument)
4. Nor would a theistic God act to confirm something as true that was false.
5. True miracles in connection with a message, confirm that message to be
from God.
In summary, if God exists then miracles are possible, and they can be used to confirm a message from Him. This gives credibility to the claim that the Bible is the Word of God. If the Bible is the Word of God we must consider what it teaches.